Contract Dispute Over Yacht


The case involves a contract dispute over a yacht sale between an illiterate businessman and a neurosurgeon. Key issues include the nature of the contract (sale vs. Lease), the businessmans understanding due to his illiteracy, and alleged maritime customs. Ghanaian law requires written contracts to be honored as written, regardless of verbal agreements or misunderstandings. Illiteracy is not a defense unless fraud or undue influence is proven. Maritime traditions do not override written contracts. Legal advice is recommended to clarify the parties standing.

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i need more info
Let me clarify these points:
- Ghana's law requires contracts to be in writing. If it's written as a sale, it's a sale, regardless of any verbal agreements or misunderstandings.
- Illiteracy is not a defense in contract law unless fraud or undue influence is proven.
- Maritime traditions don't supersede written contracts.
i need a contract between a clothing brand and a customer offering acknowledgement of particiation of the customer in the making of the clothes to be sold and and a portion of that money being put in a charity
To better assist you, could you please specify the kind of participation the customer would have in the clothing production? Also, how would the donation to the charity be administered?
the charity would be given to a cause by a foundation of thier choice or the brand's charity division and also the customer participates by giving the brand old clothing or fabric to be upcycled and then sold
The contract you're asking for involves three parties: the brand, the customer, and the charity. Key points to include are:
- The terms of participation for the customer
- The process of upcycling and selling old clothes
- The method of donation to the charity
- The choice of charity
You may need a lawyer to draft this contract accurately.
can you make a rough draft?
Sure, here's a rough outline of what the contract might look like:
*. Introduction: Parties involved and the purpose of the contract.
*. Terms of Participation: Detail how the customer will provide the brand with old clothing or fabric, and any other responsibilities or conditions.
*. Upcycling Process: Define the process, timelines, and responsibilities of the brand.
*. Sale and Donation: Outline the method of selling upcycled clothes, and how the proceeds will be donated to charity.
*. Charity Selection: Describe how the charity will be chosen, whether by the customer or the company's charity division.
*. Termination: Conditions under which the contract can end.
*. Legal Clauses: Include necessary legal clauses as advised by a lawyer.
Please consult a lawyer to ensure all details are covered and to draft a legally binding contract.