Unpaid Goods Legal Recourse


If a company owes you $10,000 for goods but has only paid $7,000, you can sue for breach of contract in Florida. The small claims court limit is $8,000, and for higher amounts, you may file in Circuit Court. Travel expenses are generally not recoverable in such lawsuits. Consult a Florida-based attorney for detailed advice.

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I sent some goods to a company worth *,* USD, but they paid only $*. They are not responding for remaining payment
Hello ****, this situation might involve contract law and possible breach of contract. In Virginia:
- If the agreement was written or verbal, you can sue for the remaining amount.
- You may file a claim in small claims court if the amount is within their limit ($*).
- For amount higher ($* - $*,*), you may file in General District Court.
this is in FL
Thank you for the update, ****. In Florida:
- You can sue for breach of contract, either verbal or written.
- The limit for small claims court is $*,*.
- For amounts higher, you may file in Circuit Court.
I live in VA and court is in FL, can I include my travel expenses
In general, travel expenses are not typically recoverable in a breach of contract lawsuit. However, there could be exceptions based on the specific details of your case. Consulting with a Florida-based attorney might provide more clarity.