Tucson Towing Regulations Explained


Under Tucson City Code, towing companies cannot hold your vehicle as security for unpaid charges. Reasonable charges must be customary and documented. There is no specific requirement for towing companies to photograph personal property inside a vehicle. For detailed guidance, contact Tucson City Court.

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Is it true that according to tucson city code a tow company can not hold your vehicle as security for non paymemt of charges?
Hello Freda,
Under Tucson City Code, a towing company is generally not allowed to hold your vehicle as security for unpaid charges. Here are some relevant points:
- A towing company must release your vehicle upon payment of reasonable charges.
- They may not legally retain your vehicle beyond the necessary time to secure payment.
For specific advice, you may want to contact a local attorney or the Tucson City Court.

Tucson City Court

Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * E Alameda St, Tucson, AZ *
Website: www.tucsonaz.gov/courts

Do you have any other questions or need further clarification?
What is considered reasonable charges?
Reasonable Charges under Tucson City Code:
- Charges that are customary and consistent with local market rates.
- They must reflect actual services rendered (e.g., towing distance, storage time).
- Fees should be transparent and documented.
For detailed guidance, contact:
Tucson City Court
Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * E Alameda St, Tucson, AZ *
Website: www.tucsonaz.gov/courts
Do you need further details on this or any other related matter?
If a tow company does not take photos of the personal property inside a vehicle is that a violation
Hello Freda,
In Tucson, AZ, there isn't a specific requirement in the city code mandating towing companies to take photos of personal property inside a vehicle. However, for your protection, it is advisable to document the contents of your vehicle before towing.
Do you have any other questions or need further details on this issue?
If they dont take photos is it a violation of a statute or TSA (towing service agreement)?
Hello Freda,
To clarify your question, could you please confirm if you're referring to a specific statute or a particular towing service agreement (TSA) you are aware of? This will help in providing a more accurate response.