Recover Legal Fees Guide


If a lawyer in North Dakota has not fulfilled their obligations, you can report them to the State Disciplinary Board, consider suing for malpractice, or request a refund. Even if a no refunds clause exists, it can often be challenged in court if the service was not provided. Consulting a local attorney is recommended to discuss your specific options and rights.

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I have a question regarding getting back my money from a lawyer who was supposed to apply for my immigration case but he hasn’t done anything besides research
Hello ****. That sounds frustrating. To assist you better, can I know which country you are currently in?
North Dakota
Hello ****. In North Dakota, you could:
- Report the lawyer to the State Disciplinary Board.
- Consider suing for malpractice if you've suffered substantial harm.
- Request a refund directly from the lawyer.
Please consult a local attorney for specifics.
What if it’s says on the document we signed no refunds
Hello ****. In most cases, "no refunds" clauses can be challenged in court, especially if the service was not provided. It is recommended to consult a local attorney to discuss your options.