Vehicle Towing Notification Rules


In Arizona, tow companies must notify vehicle owners within three business days of towing. If they fail to do so, you may dispute the fees. File a complaint with the Arizona Department of Public Safety or consider small claims court. Gather all relevant documents and follow the legal process to resolve the issue.

Full Conversation

I live in tucson arizona. On july *, * i had parked my vehicle in an apartment complex parking lot because i had a flat tire. When i went back to get it the next day it was gone. I assumed the property owner had it towed but no one notified me of my car being towed and impounded. I ended up checking into a treatment facilty before i couId find out what had happened to it. I was in treatment until August *, *. My mother received a letter from arizona motor vehicle department on august *, * stating my car was reported as abandoned and i had 30 days from the date of the notice to retrieve it or i would be fined $* and the tow company would transfer the title to them. I contacted the tow company who informed me that the tow and storage and title transfer fees totaled more then $*. My question is according to the arizona towing laws does a tow company have to release my vehicle to me once i prove ownership of the vehicle whether i pay the fees and charges or not?
In Arizona, tow companies are generally not required to release a vehicle without payment of fees. Here are some key points:
- Tow companies must notify the vehicle owner within three business days of the tow.
- Owners must pay all applicable fees (towing, storage, etc.) to retrieve the vehicle.
- Disputes can be addressed in court.
Would you like information on how to dispute the fees or contact details for the nearest court?
What if the tow company does not notify me at all?
In Arizona, if the tow company fails to notify you within three business days, you may have grounds to dispute the fees. Here are your options:
- File a complaint with the Arizona Department of Public Safety.
- Consider taking the matter to small claims court.
Would you like information on how to file a complaint or the nearest court details?
When i told the tow company i was never notified by them they stated it was not their responsibility to notify me and that MVD is responsible for notifying me. Is this true?
In Arizona, it is generally the responsibility of the tow company to notify the vehicle owner within three business days of the tow. Here are the steps you can take:
- File a complaint with the Arizona Department of Public Safety.
- Consider taking the matter to small claims court.
Would you like details on how to file a complaint or the nearest court information?
~Arizona Department of Public Safety Complaint Information
Phone: (*) *-*
~Pima County Small Claims Court (nearest to Tucson, AZ)
Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * N Stone Ave, Tucson, AZ *
Would you like more information on how to file a complaint or any further assistance?
Yes how to file a complaint
To file a complaint with the Arizona Department of Public Safety, follow these steps:
*. Visit the Arizona Department of Public Safety's website: [Arizona DPS](
*. Navigate to the "Complaints" section.
*. Follow the instructions to submit your complaint online.
Alternatively, you can call them at (*) *-* for assistance.
Would you like more information on taking your case to small claims court?
To take your case to small claims court in Pima County, follow these steps:
*. **Prepare Your Case:** Gather all relevant documents (tow notices, receipts, etc.).
*. **File a Claim:** Visit the Pima County Small Claims Court website or go to the court in person.
*. **Pay Filing Fee:** Fees vary; check the website for the exact amount.
*. **Attend Court Hearing:** Present your case before a judge.
Would you like assistance with any specific part of this process?
How can i prove to the tow company that it is their responsibility to notify me within 3 days of my vehicle being impounded
In Arizona, tow companies must notify the vehicle owner within three business days of the tow. Here are some steps to prove this responsibility:
- **Obtain a Copy of Arizona Towing Laws:** You can refer to Arizona Revised Statutes (ARS) §*-*, which outlines the notification requirements for tow companies.
- **Request Tow Company Records:** Ask the tow company for their records regarding the notification process.
- **File a Complaint:** If they refuse, file a complaint with the Arizona Department of Public Safety.
Would you need more information on requesting tow company records?
To request tow company records in Arizona, follow these steps:
*. **Submit a Written Request:** Write a formal letter to the tow company requesting records of the notification process related to your vehicle.
*. **Include Vehicle Details:** Provide your vehicle's make, model, VIN, and tow date.
*. **Cite Legal Requirements:** Mention Arizona Revised Statutes (ARS) §*-* to underline their obligation.
Would you like assistance drafting the request letter?
Sure, here is a sample letter you can use to request tow company records:
[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]
[Email Address]
[Phone Number]
[Tow Company Name]
[Company Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]
Subject: Request for Tow Records and Notification Process
Dear [Tow Company Name],
I am writing to formally request records related to the towing and notification process of my vehicle. Below are the relevant details:
- **Vehicle Make and Model:** [Your Vehicle Make and Model]
- **Vehicle Identification Number (VIN):** [Your Vehicle VIN]
- **Tow Date:** [Tow Date]
According to Arizona Revised Statutes (ARS) §*-*, it is the responsibility of the tow company to notify the vehicle owner within three business days of the tow. I have not received any such notification and would like to review your records to understand the process followed in my case.
Please provide the following information:
*. A copy of the notification sent to me.
*. Proof of the date and method of notification.
Kindly respond to this request within [reasonable timeframe, e.g., * business days] from the date
Do i mail the request or can i hand deliver it
You can either mail the request or hand deliver it. For a more formal approach, mailing the request via certified mail ensures you have proof of delivery. Hand delivering it ensures immediate receipt but consider getting a receipt acknowledgment from the company.
Would you need more information on what to do if they don't respond?
If the tow company does not respond to your request for records within the specified timeframe, follow these steps:
*. **Follow Up:** Send a follow-up letter or call to remind them of your request.
*. **File a Complaint:** Notify the Arizona Department of Public Safety of their non-compliance.
*. **Legal Action:** Consider small claims court for resolution.
Would you like help drafting a follow-up letter or more details on filing a complaint?
Follow-Up Letter Sample
[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]
[Email Address]
[Phone Number]
[Tow Company Name]
[Company Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]
Subject: Follow-Up on Request for Tow Records and Notification Process
Dear [Tow Company Name],
I previously submitted a request for records related to the towing and notification process of my vehicle on [original request date]. I have not yet received a response.
Below are the relevant details again for your reference:
- **Vehicle Make and Model:** [Your Vehicle Make and Model]
- **Vehicle Identification Number (VIN):** [Your Vehicle VIN]
- **Tow Date:** [Tow Date]
According to Arizona Revised Statutes (ARS) §*-*, it is your responsibility to notify the vehicle owner within three business days of the tow. I have not received any such notification and would like to review your records to understand the process followed in my case.
Please provide the following information:
*. A copy of the notification sent to me.
*. Proof of the date and method of notification.
Kindly respond to this request within [reasonable timeframe, e.g., * business days
If a tow company didnt notify me or the police that they were impounding my vehicle do i still have to pay towing and storage fees
In Arizona, if a tow company fails to notify you within three business days of impounding your vehicle, you may have grounds to dispute the towing and storage fees. Here are your options:
- **File a Complaint:** Contact the Arizona Department of Public Safety.
- **Small Claims Court:** Consider taking legal action to dispute the fees.
Would you like more details on how to proceed with either option?
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