Class Action Lawsuit Guidance


To pursue a class action lawsuit against USAC for alleged unfair practices in the LifeLine program, gather evidence and consult a class action attorney specializing in consumer protection. Resources include the New York State Bar Association, Legal Aid Society, and Fordham University School of Laws legal clinics.

Full Conversation

I am a current recipient of the LifeLine program provided by Universial Services Assosition Co. (USAC). LifeLine is a program for low income people who are in need of internet and phone service. In which they are ripping the consumers off and i am seeking a class action suit against them.
Hello King,
I'm sorry to hear about your situation. To provide better guidance, could you share specific details about how you believe USAC is ripping off consumers under the LifeLine program?
Thank you.
They are allowing the service providers to give *.5gbs of data and then once the consumer has depleted the data the service provider cuts off the consumers data and are forced to purchase additional data at high higher prices and never any option to purchase an unlimited data add-on or even a fair enough amount of data at a resonable rate. Which means that the low income consumer is left to spend more monies for less data when they should be using those monies to pay bills, eat or even purchase essential items. An example of one service provider data add-on rates are $* for 1GB, $* for *.5GB, $* for 3GB & $* for 8GB of data. When consumer's bi weekly income is $*, and they still have to pay for housing and other expenses.
Hello King,
I'm sorry to hear about your struggles with the LifeLine program. Here's some general information about pursuing a class action lawsuit in New York:
- **Class Action Suit**: A class action lawsuit allows a group of people with similar complaints to sue a defendant as a group.
- **Criteria**: To file a class action, you need to show that many people are affected by the same issue and that the claims have common legal or factual questions.
Next Steps:
*. **Gather Evidence**: Collect all documents, communications, and records related to your LifeLine service and data charges.
*. **Find Legal Representation**: Consult with a class action attorney who specializes in consumer protection. They can evaluate the strength of your case and guide you through the process.
Would you like more information on finding a class action lawyer in New York?
yes please
Hello King,
To find a class action lawyer in New York, you can start with the following resources:
- **New York State Bar Association**: They offer a lawyer referral service.
- **Legal Aid Society**: They provide free legal assistance.
- **Local Law Schools**: Many have legal clinics offering free services.
Would you like contact details for any of these resources?
yes please
Hello King,
Here are some resources where you can find a class action lawyer in New York:
~New York State Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service
Phone: (*) *-*
~Legal Aid Society
Phone: (*) *-*
~Fordham University School of Law - Legal Clinics
Phone: (*) *-*
If you need more information or assistance, feel free to ask!
thank you for all your help it is greatly appreciated
You're very welcome, King! If you have any more questions or need further assistance in the future, feel free to reach out. Good luck with your pursuit, and take care!
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