Hotel Overcharge Dispute Steps


If a hotel charges you for a stay you didnt use, you can dispute the charge with your credit card company, contact hotel management, or file a complaint with the PA Attorney Generals office. In Pennsylvania, you can also sue in small claims court for up to $12,000. Check local rules for filing.

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A hotel charged me for a week i wasnt there
Hi ****, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Can you please tell me which country this occurred in? This will help me provide you with the most accurate information.
Hi ****, thank you for the details. In the USA, you can:
- Dispute the charge with your credit card company
- Contact the hotel management for resolution
- If unsuccessful, you can consider small claims court
Can you share your state for more specific advice?
Hi ****, in Pennsylvania, you can:
- File a complaint with the PA Attorney General's office.
- If needed, you can sue in small claims court for up to $*,*.
Please check local rules for filing.