Power Company Debt Liability


If you were never listed on the original power bill, its unlikely you can be held responsible for the debt, even if the original debtor filed for bankruptcy. However, laws vary by location. Consult a local attorney in Eugene, Oregon for specific advice.

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eugene Oregon
I see, thank you for the information. In general, utilities companies can pursue anyone listed on the account. If you were never listed, it's unlikely they can hold you responsible. However, Oregon law may have specific provisions. I would recommend contacting a local legal aid organization for advice.
If someone files bankruptcy can creditors charge me even tho we were never married
In general, creditors cannot hold you responsible for your ex-partner's debt if you were never married and did not co-sign for the debt. However, it is best to consult with a local legal professional in Eugene, Oregon, to understand the specifics of your situation.
What happens if someone files bankruptcy
Filing bankruptcy generally involves:
- An automatic stay that stops most collection activities.
- Assets may be sold by a court-appointed trustee (Chapter *) or a repayment plan may be established (Chapter *).
- Some debts may be discharged.
- It will impact the debtor's credit score.
Seek advice from a local attorney in Eugene, Oregon for detailed information.
Can the court automatically make somebody pay to a bill for support it
A court can order a person to pay for support if they are legally responsible for it. This typically happens in cases of child support or spousal support. However, your situation seems different, so I recommend contacting a local attorney in Eugene, Oregon for advice.
Power company charge a tenant does not want to bill 13 years later for that bill if the person was all bankruptcy
To clarify, are you asking if a power company can charge a tenant for a bill that is 13 years old, even if the person filed for bankruptcy? It's important to understand the specifics to provide accurate information.
How company charge a tank
I'm sorry, but your question is unclear. Do you mean to ask how a company can charge a tenant for an old bill? Please provide more details for accurate assistance.
The power company charged somebody 13 years later it was not on the bill if the original debtor filed bankruptcy
Answer: If the debt was included in the bankruptcy, it's usually discharged and can't be collected. However, if the debt wasn't included or the bankruptcy wasn't finalized, collection might be possible. Please consult a local attorney in Eugene, Oregon for specific advice.
or even if the person that they are trying to collect debt from was never on the original bill
If you were never on the original bill, it's unlikely that you can be held responsible for the debt. However, laws vary by location, so it would be best to consult with a legal professional in Eugene, Oregon.