Legal Recourse In Nevada


If you face legal issues in Nye County, Nevada, consider escalating to higher authorities like the FBI or DOJ. Seek help from civil rights organizations like the ACLU. Everyone is entitled to justice and fair treatment.

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My brother has had to flee the country to seek refuge from a county that refuses to help my family with anything.
I'm sorry to hear about your brother's situation, ****. Can you please specify which country he is currently in? This will allow me to provide more accurate information.
I'm sorry to hear about your brother's situation. For asylum in Mexico:
- He must apply at COMAR within 30 days of entering Mexico.
- He must prove that he fears persecution in his home country.
- Asylum grants the right to work and stay.
May I assist with any other queries?
What if he would rather come home?
If your brother wants to return home, he can do so at any time. However, he should consider the reasons that led him to seek asylum. If these issues still exist, his safety might be at risk.
What can we do about the county never taking our complaints seriously, and instead try charging us with false charges?
I'm sorry to hear about your troubles. Here are some steps you could consider:
- Hire a lawyer to represent you
- File a complaint with the state's Attorney General Office
- Keep all records of interactions with the county
- Consider contacting a local news outlet
Your location can affect these steps, could you please share it?
Nye County Nevada
I see, ****. In Nevada, you may also file a complaint with the Nevada Commission on Judicial Discipline if you believe the county is acting unjustly. Does this help?
We have filed a complaint there, as one judge recused herself, another corrupt judge took over.
I'm sorry about your situation, ****. If you're not satisfied with the Commission's response, consider escalating the matter to the Federal Court. This would require legal representation, so if you haven't already, finding a lawyer should be your next step.
Is there a lawyer out there that is actually interested in helping us out?
I understand your need for legal support, ****. While we at FreeLawChat can't recommend specific lawyers, you can use resources like the Nevada State Bar's lawyer referral service or legal aid organizations to find a lawyer who may be able to assist you.
What if you are poor and no lawyer wants to really help? They are just interested in money?
I understand your concern, ****. It can be tough, but there are options:
- Pro Bono attorneys offer free services for low-income individuals.
- Legal Aid organizations provide free or low-cost legal help.
- Law schools often have clinics where students provide free legal services under supervision.
Remember, legal representation is a right, not a privilege.
What if our right to fair legal representation is being disparaged
I'm sorry to hear about your struggle, ****. If you face discrimination in accessing legal services, consider:
- Reporting it to the American Bar Association or your local bar association.
- Contacting civil rights organizations.
- Seek help from legal aid societies.
Your right to legal representation should always be respected.
But it isnt
I'm sorry to hear that, ****. This is a serious issue. You may consider contacting the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Nevada. They defend civil liberties and civil rights, which includes access to fair legal representation.
How do you contact the ACLU of Nevada?

ACLU of Nevada

Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * S Rancho Dr D32, Las Vegas, NV *
What if someone shot a .* at the back of your head, but the judges and county kept charges in Justice court and let the gunman off with a $* dollar fine?
I'm very sorry to hear about this incident, ****. It sounds like a serious criminal offense. If you're unsatisfied with the court's decision, you might want to consider:
- Appealing the decision, if possible
- Contacting the state attorney general's office
- Filing a complaint with the Nevada Commission on Judicial Discipline
Please consult with a legal professional to discuss these options.
What if no one will help you for less than $*,*
I understand your frustration, ****. Here are some options:
- Legal aid services may provide help for low-income individuals.
- Pro bono lawyers offer services for free or at a low cost.
- Law school clinics often provide free legal services.
Remember, everyone has a right to legal help.
What if I can’t find legal help, no matter how hard I try
I'm sorry to hear about your struggles, ****. Apart from the resources already mentioned, you might consider reaching out to community organizations or religious groups. They often have connections and could potentially provide assistance. Remember, persistence is key in such situations.
My brother is in exile, as he is afraid of the illegal actors working within nye county nevada
I'm sorry to hear about your brother's situation, ****. If he feels unsafe, he may want to consider seeking legal protection. This might involve:
- Requesting asylum
- Contacting a human rights organization
- Gathering evidence of the threats
Remember, his safety is paramount. Please consult with a legal professional.
What if I request that the sheriffs office not allow a certain sergeant to contact me, as he raped me, and they purposefully continue allowing him to contact me?
I'm very sorry to hear about your situation, ****. This could be considered harassment and a violation of your rights. In Nevada:
- You can seek a restraining order against the sergeant.
- Report the incident to a higher authority in the police department.
- Report the incident to the state attorney general's office.
Please consult with a legal professional immediately.
I was raped by two nye county cops. One, a deputy, and the other a sergeant. Can I ever get justice?
I'm truly sorry to hear about your experience, ****. You absolutely can seek justice. In Nevada, you could:
- Report the incident to the Nevada Attorney General's Office.
- Contact a rape crisis center for support and guidance.
- Consult a legal professional for advice on filing a lawsuit.
Remember, you have rights and there are resources to help you.
How much time do I have to seek justice for being raped?
I'm sorry for what you've gone through, ****. In Nevada, there's no statute of limitations for sexual assault if the crime is reported within 4 years. After that, prosecution can occur within 20 years. Please consult a legal professional for guidance.
What if the sergeant of the jail had my clothes washed to hide evidence of rape?
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, ****. In Nevada, evidence tampering is a serious crime. Here are some steps you can take:
- Report the sergeant to his superiors and the Nevada Attorney General's Office.
- Seek advice from a legal professional.
- Document everything related to your case.
Remember, your rights should always be upheld.
What if I was denied of being able to collect evidence to prove I was raped while they held me in jail and denied me pictures of my bruises
I'm sorry to hear about your experience, ****. In Nevada, denying a victim the right to collect evidence is a serious violation. You can:
- Report this violation to the Nevada Attorney General's Office.
- Seek help from a legal professional to navigate through the process.
- Document all your interactions with the authorities.
Will I ever have the same rights as others?
I'm truly sorry for what you're experiencing, ****. Yes, you should have the same rights as others. If you're feeling that your rights are being violated, consider:
- Contacting civil rights organizations.
- Reaching out to legal aid societies.
- Filing complaints with the Nevada Attorney General's Office.
Remember, everyone has the right to justice and fair treatment.
What if everyone I report to is also corrupt?
I'm sorry for your troubles, ****. In such a situation, consider reporting to a higher level:
- The FBI handles cases of corruption and civil rights violations.
- The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) also investigates such matters.
- Reach out to non-profit organizations for help, like the ACLU.
Remember, no one is above the law.
Nye county Nevada is above the law
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, ****. If you believe local authorities are not handling your case properly, you can escalate it:
- Report to the FBI for corruption and civil rights violations.
- Contact the U.S. Department of Justice.
- Reach out to non-profit organizations like the ACLU.
Remember, everyone is entitled to justice.