Requesting Extension Of Time


To request an extension of time in the Eastern District of Missouri, file a motion explaining the delay, include supporting documents, propose a new deadline, and serve all parties involved. The judge will review the motion and decide whether to grant or deny it. You can find templates on the courts website or contact the court clerk for guidance. If an attorney files a motion to dismiss, the judge will review it and decide based on legal standards and precedents. For further assistance, contact the Missouri Bar Association for referrals to qualified attorneys.

Full Conversation

The case is in eastern district of missouri
Thank you for providing the necessary details. Here’s some general information on how to request an extension of time in the Eastern District of Missouri:
- **File a Motion for Extension of Time**: Draft a motion explaining the reasons for the delay and request additional time to respond.
- **Include Supporting Documents**: Attach any evidence showing you received the notice late.
- **Propose a New Deadline**: Clearly state the new deadline you're requesting.
- **Serve All Parties**: Ensure all parties involved receive a copy of the motion.
- **Submit Promptly**: File the motion as soon as possible to avoid further delays.

Eastern District of Missouri - U.S. District Court

Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * S. 10th Street, St. Louis, MO *
So do i call over ther and talk to domeine or should i submit papers
You should submit the papers. Follow the steps below:
- **File a Motion for Extension of Time**: Draft a motion explaining the reasons for the delay and request additional time to respond.
- **Include Supporting Documents**: Attach any evidence showing you received the notice late.
- **Propose a New Deadline**: Clearly state the new deadline you're requesting.
- **Serve All Parties**: Ensure all parties involved receive a copy of the motion.
- **Submit Promptly**: File the motion as soon as possible to avoid further delays.
~Eastern District of Missouri - U.S. District Court
Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * S. 10th Street, St. Louis, MO *
Website: [](
I wanted to know do tgey have extension of time templates that i could follow
To request an extension of time, you can often find templates on the court's website or legal aid websites. Here are some steps to help you:
- Visit the [Eastern District of Missouri - U.S. District Court Website](
- Look under "Forms" or "Self-Help" sections for motion templates.
- If unavailable, consider contacting the court clerk for guidance.
~Eastern District of Missouri - U.S. District Court
Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * S. 10th Street, St. Louis, MO *
Website: [](

Would you like further assistance with drafting the motion?
I'd be happy to guide you through drafting the motion for an extension of time. Here's a basic template you can use:
**[Your Name]**
**[Your Address]**
**[City, State, ZIP Code]**
**[Phone Number]**
**[Email Address]**
**Date: [Insert Date]**
**United States District Court**
**Eastern District of Missouri**
*** S. 10th Street**
**St. Louis, MO ***
**Re: [Case Name]**
**Case No.: [Case Number]**
**Honorable Judge [Judge's Name],**
**Motion for Extension of Time**
I am the [Plaintiff/Defendant] in the above-referenced matter. I respectfully request an extension of time to respond to the [Motion to Dismiss/other document] filed by the opposing party on [Date]. I did not receive notice of the motion until [Date], and therefore require additional time to prepare a proper response.
**Reasons for the Request:**
- [Explain the delay in receiving the notice]
- [Describe any other relevant circumstances]
**Proposed New Deadline:**
I propose a new deadline of [New Proposed Deadline] for the submission
Ok igot it, i wanted to to if they attorney filed a motion to dismiss do that mean that my case is dismissed ir is it up to the judge to decide tgat
If an attorney files a motion to dismiss, it does not automatically mean your case is dismissed. The judge will review the motion and decide whether to grant or deny it.
Would you like more information on how the judge makes this decision?
The judge's decision on a motion to dismiss involves several steps:
- **Review of the Motion**: The judge examines the reasons and legal grounds provided for dismissal.
- **Consideration of Response**: The judge reviews any responses or objections you file.
- **Legal Standards**: The judge applies relevant laws and precedents.
- **Hearing**: There may be a hearing where both parties present arguments.
Would you like more details on any specific part of this process?
Yes i would to better prepare my case
To better prepare your case, here are key details and steps you should consider:
Steps to Prepare for Motion to Dismiss:
*. **Understand the Motion**:
- Carefully read the motion to dismiss to understand the arguments and legal grounds cited by the opposing party.
*. **Research Legal Grounds**:
- Research the legal standards and precedents related to the grounds for dismissal mentioned in the motion.
*. **Draft a Response**:
- Prepare a detailed response addressing each point raised in the motion. Include relevant laws, facts, and precedents supporting your position.
*. **Gather Evidence**:
- Collect any documents, records, or evidence that support your arguments against the dismissal.
*. **Prepare for Hearing**:
- If there is a hearing, prepare your arguments and be ready to present them clearly and concisely.
Key Considerations for Judge's Decision:
- **Merits of the Case**: The judge will evaluate if the case has sufficient legal grounds to proceed.
- **Procedural Issues**: The judge will check if there are any procedural errors that justify dismissal.
- **Legal Standards**: The judge applies relevant laws and precedents to the case.

Would you like more specific guidance on any of these
Yes i would
Certainly, I can help with that. To provide more specific guidance, could you clarify which area you need the most help with? For example:
- Understanding and responding to the motion's legal arguments.
- Researching legal standards and precedents.
- Preparing for the hearing.
Which part would you like to focus on first?
Well i a luttel neverous because i,mmot attorney it just they legal terms when going to court representi g my self
I understand that representing yourself in court can be daunting. Let's take it one step at a time. Could you specify which part you need the most help with right now? For example:
- Understanding and responding to the motion's legal arguments.
- Researching legal standards and precedents.
- Preparing for the hearing.
Which one would you like to focus on first?
I have all my evidense lined up but i don,t have the legal aspect lined up. I mean with the free legal advice i really haven,t gotten nowhere i hav to tfigure things out as i go along
I understand that navigating legal terms and procedures can be challenging, especially when representing yourself. Let's focus on one aspect at a time to help you prepare your case effectively.
Would you like to start with:
- Understanding and responding to the motion's legal arguments?
- Researching legal standards and precedents?
- Preparing for the hearing?
My case is a medical malpractice and personal injury case
I understand your situation. For your medical malpractice and personal injury case, here’s how you can approach understanding and responding to the motion's legal arguments:
Steps to Respond to the Motion’s Legal Arguments:
*. **Read the Motion Carefully**:
- Identify each legal argument and claim for dismissal.
*. **Research Relevant Laws**:
- Look up statutes and case law related to medical malpractice and personal injury in Missouri.
*. **Draft Your Response**:
- Address each argument with counterarguments, supported by legal precedents and facts from your case.
*. **Cite Legal Precedents**:
- Use previous court decisions that support your position.
*. **Include Evidence**:
- Attach relevant evidence that counters the dismissal arguments.
Would you like specific help with researching legal standards or drafting your response?
So if the attorney have file a motion to dismiss that doesn,t mean my case is over
Correct, a motion to dismiss does not automatically mean your case is over. The judge will review the motion and decide whether to grant or deny it based on:
- **Review of the Motion**: Examines the reasons for dismissal.
- **Consideration of Response**: Reviews any objections you file.
- **Legal Standards**: Applies relevant laws and precedents.
- **Hearing**: May hold a hearing for both parties to present arguments.
Would you like more details on any specific part of this process?
It,s hard for me to note all that you and your team is texting me but everything is very helpful because all information is knowledgeble but the reason i say this is because i have to write so much of it down and because of that do you know a number i can call to get some assistane with my case but i still will be texting your all for help too
You can contact the Eastern District of Missouri - U.S. District Court for assistance:
~Eastern District of Missouri - U.S. District Court
Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * S. 10th Street, St. Louis, MO *
Website: [](

Would you like further help with specific parts of your case?
When i call this number can i asked them about the deadline
Yes, you can call the Eastern District of Missouri - U.S. District Court at (*) *-* to ask about the deadline for filing your response to the motion to dismiss. The court clerk should be able to provide you with the necessary information.
Once my extension gor t I me is submitted then were do i go from here
Once you submit your motion for an extension of time, follow these steps:
- **Await Court's Decision**: Monitor your case docket and email for the judge's decision.
- **Prepare Your Response**: Use the granted extension time to draft a thorough response to the motion to dismiss.
- **Gather Evidence**: Collect any additional evidence supporting your case.
- **Stay Informed**: Maintain communication with the court for any updates.
Would you like more information on drafting your response or preparing evidence?
I,mokay for now i will call the court house to check on the sti c of my case and go from here now once i contact the court house i will still have to submit the letter
Yes, you'll need to submit the motion for an extension of time. Here’s a quick recap:
- **File a Motion for Extension of Time**: Draft a motion explaining the delay and requesting additional time.
- **Include Supporting Documents**: Attach evidence showing you received the notice late.
- **Propose a New Deadline**: Clearly state the new deadline.
- **Serve All Parties**: Ensure all involved parties receive a copy.
Would you like more details on drafting the motion?
When you said serve all parties do i send a copy of my extension of time to there lawyer or just the judge
You need to send a copy of your motion for an extension of time to both the judge and the opposing party's lawyer. This ensures all parties are informed.
Would you like more details on how to serve the opposing party?
Sure, here’s how to serve the opposing party:
*. **Prepare Copies**: Make copies of the motion for extension of time.
*. **Serve Opposing Party**: Mail or deliver a copy to the opposing party’s lawyer.
*. **Proof of Service**: Complete a "Proof of Service" form indicating how and when the documents were sent.
*. **File Proof of Service**: Submit the Proof of Service form to the court.
Would you like a template for the Proof of Service form?
So the motion of extension letter the i efile to the judge i will rmail it to her attorney as well
Yes, you should e-file the motion for extension of time to the judge and mail a copy to the opposing party's attorney. This ensures that all parties are informed.
Would you like a template for the "Proof of Service" form?
Certainly! Here's a basic template for the "Proof of Service" form:
**United States District Court**
**Eastern District of Missouri**
*** S. 10th Street**
**St. Louis, MO ***
**[Your Name]**
**[Your Address]**
**[City, State, ZIP Code]**
**[Phone Number]**
**[Email Address]**
**Date: [Insert Date]**
**Re: [Case Name]**
**Case No.: [Case Number]**
**Proof of Service**
I, [Your Name], declare that I served a copy of the Motion for Extension of Time on the following party:
**Opposing Party’s Attorney:**
**[Attorney’s Name]**
**[Attorney’s Address]**
**[City, State, ZIP Code]**
**Method of Service: [e.g., U.S. Mail, Hand Delivery]**
**Date of Service: [Insert Date]**
I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
**Signature: [Your Signature]**
**Name: [Your Printed Name]**
Would you like more details on any specific part of this process?
How can I assist you further with your case? Would you like more information on filing, serving, or any other aspect of your legal process?
Once o submit my motion for extension how many days it take to see if the judge approve ny extension
The time it takes for a judge to approve a motion for an extension can vary. Generally, it may take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks.
Would you like more information on how to check the status of your motion?
I know that you said that i can also send the other party a copy of my motion of extension i thought that i couldsee the other attorney
Yes, you can send the opposing party a copy of your motion for an extension of time. Typically, you serve it to their attorney. Here’s a recap:
- **Prepare Copies**: Make copies of the motion.
- **Serve Opposing Party's Lawyer**: Mail or deliver a copy to their attorney.
- **File Proof of Service**: Submit a form indicating how and when the documents were served.
Would you like more help with any specific steps?
On more question before i go if you feel that based on your case and for some reason its a conflict of interest how can legal representation concerning your casr
If you believe there is a conflict of interest with your current legal representation, you can take the following steps:
- **Discuss with Your Attorney**: Raise your concerns directly with your attorney.
- **Seek a Second Opinion**: Consult another attorney to evaluate the conflict.
- **File a Motion to Withdraw**: Your attorney can file a motion to withdraw from the case.
Would you like more details on any of these steps?
No i don,t want to withdraw my case i want to fight my case out i want to be heared in court i just need to know how do i tslk to another lawyers about my concerns
I understand your situation. Here are steps to talk to another lawyer about your concerns:
*. **Research**: Look for lawyers who specialize in medical malpractice and personal injury in Missouri.
*. **Consultation**: Schedule a consultation to discuss your concerns.
*. **Prepare Questions**: List specific questions and concerns to discuss during the meeting.
Would you like help finding legal resources for your case?
This nu.bef at the bottom is where i can find that lawyer
For finding a lawyer specializing in medical malpractice and personal injury in Missouri, you can contact the Missouri Bar Association. They can provide referrals to qualified attorneys.
~Missouri Bar Association
Phone: (*) *-*
Website: [](
Would you like more information on how to prepare for a consultation with a new lawyer?
Now can you just free legal advice from these lawyers without them being your attorney and if so can they provide legal counseloring
Receiving free legal advice from lawyers is possible without them becoming your attorney. Many lawyers offer free initial consultations to provide general guidance. However, ongoing legal counseling typically requires establishing an attorney-client relationship.
Would you like more information on how to find free legal advice services?
Sure! Here are some ways to find free legal advice services:
*. **Legal Aid Organizations**:
- Contact local legal aid organizations that provide free legal services to those who qualify.
*. **Law School Clinics**:
- Reach out to law schools in your area; they often have clinics where law students provide free legal assistance under supervision.
*. **Pro Bono Programs**:
- Look for pro bono programs where lawyers volunteer their time to help those in need.
*. **Missouri Bar Association**:
- They can provide referrals to free or low-cost legal services.
~Missouri Bar Association
Phone: (*) *-*
Website: [](

Would you like more detailed information on any of these options?
Ok thank you
You're welcome! If you need further assistance in the future, feel free to reach out. Good luck with your case!
Ok oneire thing before go i wanted know before i leave when i call over to the court house can they tell me when is my deadline and csn i then ask them about the motiongoe extension of time
Yes, when you call the court, you can ask about your filing deadline and inquire about filing a motion for an extension of time. The court clerk should be able to provide you with the necessary information and guidance.
~Eastern District of Missouri - U.S. District Court
Phone: (*) *-*
Website: [](