Motion To Substitute Explained


A Motion to Substitute in Texas involves changing the attorney in a legal case, requiring court approval. If a new lawyer is already in place, the motion might still appear until the court officially recognizes the change. Contact the court for status updates.

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San Marcos Texas
Hello Mayra, in Texas, a "Motion to Substitute" is usually filed when one party wishes to replace their current attorney with another one. It requires court approval. If the court approves, the new attorney will take over the case.
But it is weird because he already has a new lawyer.
he already has a new lawyer, but that is still showing up
The "Motion to Substitute" might still be showing up because the court hasn't yet officially recognized the new lawyer. This process can take some time. It's best to contact the court directly to confirm. If you'd like, I can provide you the contact details for the nearest court in San Marcos, Texas.