Motion Extension Filing Guide


If a plaintiff files a motion for extension without listing defendants, the motion may be incomplete and dismissed. Use Form 15A and ensure all defendants are listed. Follow court rules and clerk instructions for proper filing.

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What statute in regards to no defendants listed in motion for extension in ontario
Hello! It seems you are inquiring about the legal requirements for a motion for extension in Ontario, particularly regarding the listing of defendants. To better assist you, could you please provide more details on the context of your motion for extension (e.g., type of case, specific court rules)?
Generally, motions for extensions are governed by the Ontario Rules of Civil Procedure. Here are a few relevant points:
- **Rule *.***: Motions for extension of time
- **Rule ***: General provisions governing motions
Would you like more specific information about these rules or guidance on how to proceed with your motion?
plaintiff had filed a motion for extension in July and noted that amended plaintiff claim had not been filed in court in ontario.So the motion was not permitted in relation to time .The amended plaintiff claim was filed August * , and motion had been filed in relation to video conference , The clerk again had stated that i need to redo as it needs to be in writing . So again need to redo motion in writing and clerk had notified that there were no defendants in matter .What can be done in this case in ontatio small claims court .
It seems like you are facing issues with your motion for extension in Ontario Small Claims Court. Here are a few steps you may consider:
- **Review Rules**: Ensure compliance with the Small Claims Court rules.
- **Include Defendants**: Ensure all defendants are listed in your motion.
- **File In Writing**: Resubmit your motion in writing as directed by the clerk.
Would you like guidance on how to draft the written motion?
yes i would like guidence in writing
Certainly! Here are some steps and tips for drafting your written motion for extension in Ontario Small Claims Court:
*. **Title**: Clearly state "Motion for Extension of Time."
*. **Introduction**: Briefly explain the purpose of the motion.
*. **Background**: Outline the history of the case, including the initial filing date and any relevant timelines.
*. **Reasons for Extension**: Explain why the extension is needed (e.g., difficulties in serving defendants, need for additional evidence).
*. **Legal Basis**: Reference relevant rules (e.g., Rule *.* and Rule * of the Ontario Rules of Civil Procedure).
*. **Conclusion**: Request the court to grant the extension and include a proposed new deadline.
Would you like a sample template for the motion?
what happens in cases that plaintiff filed a motion for extension and no defendants noted .Make little sense of what would happen in court
If a plaintiff files a motion for extension in Ontario Small Claims Court without listing the defendants, the motion may be considered incomplete and potentially dismissed. The court typically requires all necessary parties to be included in such motions to ensure fairness and proper notice.
Key Points:
- **Incomplete Motion**: The motion may be rejected or dismissed.
- **Refile Correctly**: Ensure all defendants are listed when refiling.
- **Court Guidance**: Follow the court clerk’s instructions closely.
Would you like guidance on refiling the motion correctly?
what form can be filed with court to avoid this issue
Hello! To avoid issues with your motion for extension in Ontario Small Claims Court, you should ensure that you are using the correct forms and including all necessary details. Here’s what you can do:
- **Form 15A**: Notice of Motion and Supporting Affidavit.
- **Include All Defendants**: Make sure all defendants are listed in your motion.
Would you like more details on completing Form 15A?
Is there a form to file with judge in regards to this issue
Hello! To address your issue in Ontario Small Claims Court, you should use **Form 15A: Notice of Motion and Supporting Affidavit**. This form is essential for filing a motion and must include all necessary details, including the defendants.
Would you like more details on completing Form 15A?
how can i file with no defendants
Hello! To file a motion without listing defendants in Ontario Small Claims Court, you generally need to include all necessary parties to ensure the court can make a fair decision. Here are some general guidelines:
- **Review Court Rules**: Ensure you are following the Small Claims Court rules.
- **Consult Clerk**: Seek advice from the court clerk on how to proceed.
Would you like more detailed guidance on Small Claims Court rules or assistance with a specific part of your motion?