Defendant Discovery Obligations California


In California Superior Court civil cases, defendants must provide discovery materials like interrogatories, document requests, and deposition transcripts to plaintiffs. Exceptions exist for unreasonable or privileged requests. Respondents must also share subpoenaed third-party materials unless privileged. Consult a legal professional for specific case law and interpretations.

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Tell me what discovery a defendant in a civil suit must turn over to the plaintiff in a California Superior Court case
In a California Superior Court civil case, the defendant is typically required to turn over the following types of discovery to the plaintiff:
- Responses to Interrogatories
- Responses to Requests for Production of Documents
- Responses to Requests for Admissions
- Deposition Transcripts
- Expert Witness Reports
These requirements can vary depending on the specifics of the case.
Does the Respondent have to turn over everything that was subpoenaed without exception>
In California, a respondent generally must comply with a subpoena. However, there are exceptions, such as if the request is unreasonable, oppressive, or privileged information. If they believe any of these apply, they may file a motion to quash or modify the subpoena.
If the Respondent has subpoenaed material from a third party does he always have to provide it to the plaintiff
In California, if a respondent gets subpoenaed material from a third party during a civil case, they generally have to share it with the plaintiff. This helps ensure both parties have access to all relevant evidence, promoting a fair trial. However, there may be exceptions, such as privileged information.
please provide me case law regarding all exceptions
Sorry for any confusion, but as FreeLawChat, I don't provide court cases or specific legal advice. However, it's crucial to consult with a legal professional who can help you explore case law related to your situation. They can provide you with specific cases and relevant interpretations.