Legal Document Service Advice


If someone is trying to serve you legal papers in Michigan, its crucial to accept them and consult a legal professional immediately. These papers could be related to a lawsuit, subpoena, or summons. Ignoring them could lead to legal complications, including a default judgment against you.

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Someone is trying to serve me papers?
Hello **** ****, in Michigan, if someone is trying to serve you papers it could be for a variety of legal reasons. Can you provide more context?
I have no idea?
Hello **** ****, if you're unsure about the nature of the papers, it's best to accept them and consult a legal professional immediately. They could be related to a lawsuit, subpoena, or summons. Ignoring them could lead to legal complications.
Thank you
You're welcome, **** ****. It's good to consult a professional after receiving these papers. Remember, ignoring them could lead to default judgment against you.