Responding To Admissions Requests


In Texas civil suits, respond to requests for admissions by denying false statements, stating reasons for lack of knowledge, and filing on time. Both spouses have equal homestead rights, and incapacitated spouses may require court-appointed guardians. Answer all requests unless objections are valid, such as irrelevance or privilege violations. Consult a legal professional for tailored advice.

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Dallas texas
Thank you for your response, G King. To guide you better, it would be helpful to know what your case is about. Is it a civil or criminal case?
Civil suit
Thank you for the information, G King. Here's some general advice about responding to requests for admissions in civil suits in Texas:
- Deny only statements you're certain are false.
- Clearly state your reason if you lack knowledge to answer.
- Seek legal advice if necessary.
- File your responses on time, usually within 30 days.
It regaurds homestead rights spousal
Thank you for the clarification, G King. In Texas, the law generally provides:
- Both spouses have equal rights to the homestead property.
- Neither spouse can sell, lease, or mortgage the homestead property without the other's consent.
- The surviving spouse can continue living in the homestead property after the other spouse's death.
Remember to consult with a legal professional for advice tailored to your situation.
One of my patents are incapacitated
I understand, G King. In Texas, if a spouse is incapacitated, decisions regarding homestead property may become complex. Are you the guardian of the incapacitated spouse, or is there another appointed guardian?
I see, G King. In Texas, if there's no appointed guardian, the court may need to appoint one. It's advisable to consult a legal professional to guide you through this process.
*. Pursuant to Texas Rule of Civil Procedure *.*(d), identify each person who is expected to be called to testify at trial. This interrogatory does not include rebuttal or impeaching witnesses the necessity of whose testimony cannot reasonably be anticipated before trial. *. Identify each consulting expert whose mental impressions or opinions have been reviewed by a testifying expert, and provide for each such expert the information set forth in Texas Rule of Civil Procedure *.*(e)(*) – (*). *. Identify the person whom you believe Trent Harding was married to at the time of Monica Harding’s death. *. Identify each instance you have been accused of a crime by providing (a) the alleged crime; (b) the alleged victim; (c) the law enforcement office responsible for investigating the crime, if any; (d) the court in which charges were filed, if any; and (e) the case number of the criminal proceedings for the alleged crime. *. Identify all property—real or personal, tangible or intangible—that you received from Monica Harding or her estate within the last five years. *. Identify all statutes or agreements that support your claim for reimbursement of attorney’s fees.
In response to these interrogatories:
*. List all potential witnesses along with their contact info, if available.
*. Share names of consulting experts along with information in line with Rule *.*(e)(*) – (*).
*. Identify Trent Harding's spouse at Monica Harding's death.
*. List any criminal accusations against you as requested.
*. Identify all property received from Monica Harding or her estate.
*. Identify statutes/agreements supporting your claim for reimbursement of attorney fees.
Remember, provide truthful, complete responses. Consult a legal professional if needed.
I need to respond to these
I understand, G King. To assist you further, it would be helpful to know the specific aspect of the response you're finding challenging. Are you unsure about the information needed, or do you need guidance in how to present your responses?
I need guidance on i should object to any requests or answer them all
As a general rule, you should answer all requests unless you have a valid reason for objecting. Valid objections can include:
- Request is irrelevant to the case.
- Request is overly broad or vague.
- Request violates privileged information.
Keep in mind, objections should be well-grounded and not used to evade providing discovery. Always consult with a legal professional.