Child Support Legal Concerns


The user is dealing with a child support case in Cook County, Illinois, involving potential misrepresentation by the noncustodial parents attorney. The user has filed multiple motions, including one to terminate an emergency order of protection and another to clarify the court order. The user believes the noncustodial parent committed perjury and has requested the court to demand an explanation from the noncustodial parents attorney. Legal situations can be complex, and consulting a local attorney for personalized advice is recommended.

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I have questions about a family attorney specifically a child support attorney representing the noncustodial parent and I am going child support case in Chicago Illinois cook county if we had a pre-trial child support and full coverage of educational expenses and June *, * and the noncustodial parents attorney was the one that drafted the court order which the judge signed on July *, * which the judge ordered the noncustodial parent to cooperate communicate and the noncustodial parent obtains a emergency order of protection out of Kane County Illinois on falls misleading statements and allegations as pro Se in order to evade and just obey the judges order Wouldn’t that make his attorney look bad to the judge what is that attorney be furious and with drawl immediately
Hello Alisa, in your situation:
- The noncustodial parent's actions could potentially reflect poorly on their attorney.
- Whether the attorney withdraws depends on various factors, including the attorney's professional judgment and ethics.
Remember, this is general information and specific cases can vary. Consult a local attorney for personalized advice.
So since his attorney is the one that drafted a court order which the judge signed on July *, * and the noncustodial parent on July *, * for obtaining the emergency order of protection out of a different county and his attorney becomes aware of it and provided copies of the emergency order of protection that directly shows false allegations pata attorney didn’t seem bothered by that which indicates that she was aware that the noncustodial parent was going to do that
Hello Alisa, as a general rule:
- An attorney's actions reflect on their professional integrity.
- If an attorney knowingly assists a client in providing false information, it can have serious legal and ethical consequences.

However, each case differs. Consult with a local attorney for personalized advice.
This is how I see it his attorney deliberately misrepresented what the judge ordered in her drafted court order on June *, * for the judge clearly ordered both oriole parent and myself to cooperate and communicate about our twin sons college tuition expenses through the talking parent app for noncustodial parents attorney drafted the court order on July *, * and it stated both parties are ordered to cooperate bye the custodial parent submitting applications to the parent plus loan to determine both parties eligibility and provide all documented evidence if approved or denied to the non-custodial parent within seven days but then on July *, * to noncustodial parent through the talking app stating in the text messages that I need to look at the court order his attorney drafted I need to read the court order his attorney drafted I need to comply with what was stated in his attorneys court order draft which was odd and then on July *, * I was served with a emergency order of protection out of kane County Illinois stating that our child support case in cook county Illinois was resolved in * and that I continue sending text messages through the talking parent app talking about the noncustodial parents credit score and finances which were clearly misleading And false after providing this information to his attorney she did not seem bothered by it which clearly indicates that she was aware
Hello Alisa, it seems like a complex situation. Misrepresentation of a court order could have legal implications. If you believe there's attorney misconduct, you may consider reporting it to the Illinois Attorney Registration & Disciplinary Commission. It's advisable to consult a local attorney for personalized advice.
I mean there’s clearly a connection there and it was intentional and plant
Hello Alisa, if you believe there's a deliberate misrepresentation:
- You may consider filing a complaint with the Illinois Attorney Registration & Disciplinary Commission.
- Consult a local attorney about your specific case.
Remember, legal situations can be complex and advice can vary based on details.
I filed a motion to clarify and I also filed a motion to disclose miss representation and misconduct
Hello Alisa, filing a motion is a good step. The judge will review your motions and make a decision. It's crucial to have evidence to support your claims. Consult a local attorney for further guidance.
I did provide evidence attached to my motions I attach copies of the emergency emergency order of protection so the judge can see what was stated in the order I also attached the non-custodial parents drafted court order dated July *, * and emergency order protection is dated July *, * and his attorney not withdrawing from representing him speaks volumes
Hello Alisa, it sounds like you've taken suitable steps by filing motions and providing evidence. Now, it's up to the judge to review your case. Legal situations can be complex and each case is unique. For further advice, consider consulting a local attorney.
I also filed a motion to terminate the emergency order of protection and attached to noncustodial parents drafted caught on to the judge out of Kane County proving that the noncustodial parent Lied which is perjury
Hello Alisa, perjury is indeed a serious offense. If you believe that the noncustodial parent has lied under oath, you might want to:
- Gather all evidence supporting this claim.
- Consult a local attorney for advice.
Remember, every legal situation is unique and specific advice can vary.
I also filed a motion to terminate the emergency order of protection and attached to noncustodial parents drafted caught on to the judge out of Kane County proving that the noncustodial parent Lied which is perjury
Hello Alisa, perjury is a serious offense and can have significant legal consequences. It's good that you've taken action. Remember, the court will review your motions and evidence before making a decision. Consult with a local attorney for personalized advice.
I also requested in my motions to the child support judge that the non-custodial parents attorney provide a detailed explanation of exactly how my submission of applications to the parent plus loans will determine the noncustodial parents eligibility
Hello Alisa, it's thoughtful to request for clarification about the non-custodial parent's eligibility. Now, it's up to the court to decide. Remember to consult a local attorney for personalized advice. Every legal situation is unique and advice can vary.