Hidden Income In Child Support


If you discover hidden income in a child support case, its crucial to present this evidence to the court. You can file a motion to strike the opposing partys motions to quash subpoenas, citing Illinois Supreme Court Rules 204 and 214. Document all instances of unethical behavior and misleading tactics by the opposing party and their attorney. If necessary, express your intent to file a complaint with the Illinois Judicial Inquiry Board. Always consult with a legal professional before submitting any legal documents.

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So for example in Chicago Illinois cook county district * in an ongoing child support case for child support payments and full coverage of educational expenses during the pre-trial November *, * when the judge set the child support payments without any grounded in fact documented evidence or bank statements or anything presented to her by the non-custodial parent through his attorney judge made the decision based on false information provided any pretrial memorandum on June *, * we had another pre-trial for my motion to reconsider the child support payments and full coverage of educational expenses once again the noncustodial parent and his attorney falsely stated to the judge without presenting any documents that the non-custodial parent is financially struggling has bad credit and doesn’t make enough income monthly but after that pre-trial I discovered an entire hidden bank account where the non-custodial parent is concealing his income he receives under the table which was not disclosed at our first pretrial or our second pretrial and the non-custodial parents attorney is attempting to quash my subpoenas that were served to the bank and the loan department tells me that attorney was aware that the non-custodial parent did in fact have a Hidden account that was kept from child support
Hello Alisa, it seems like you're dealing with a complex situation. It's crucial to present evidence of the hidden bank account to challenge the current child support agreement. You may also consider reporting the attorney's potentially unethical behavior. I recommend you consult with your attorney on these matters.
And if I want to file a motion to strike her motion to quash my subpoenas and keep me from getting the records
Hello Alisa, to file a motion to strike the other party's motion to quash your subpoenas in Cook County, Illinois, follow these steps:
*. Prepare a Motion to Strike: This should state the reasons why their motion to quash should be dismissed.
*. Serve the Motion: You must serve this motion to the other party.
*. File the Motion: Submit the motion to the court clerk.
Remember to consult with your attorney.
So because now I discovered the Hidden bank account and served the bank with the subpoena which the noncustodial parents attorney send them a fax stopping them from sending the records to me and filed a motion to quash my subpoena meaning she is asking the judge to keep me from getting the bank records with hidden income and a Hidden account in a child support case for child support payments and educational expenses how likely is it that the judge will deny her motions to quash
Hello Alisa, the judge's decision to grant or deny a motion to quash largely depends on the specifics of the case:
- The relevance of the subpoenaed information.
- Whether the subpoena is overly burdensome.
- Whether the information is protected by privilege.
Consult with your attorney for a more accurate prediction.
This is a hidden joint account where the money all belongs to the non-custodial parent it does not belong to his girlfriend although her name is on there and since this is a child support case and it was not factored into the child support payments or educational expenses it would be odd and suspicious for the judge to deny it I would immediately report the judge also
Hello Alisa, it's crucial to gather all the proof about the hidden account. If the judge denies the motion to access these records, and you believe it's unfair, you can:
*. Appeal the decision.
*. File a complaint with the Illinois Judicial Inquiry Board.
Always consult with your attorney before taking any action.
It would be highly odd and concerning and suspicious for a child support judge to deny or to keep me from getting bank records from a Hidden account with hidden income that would mean that the child support payments that is judge set is an accurate as the head and income was not calculated into the child support payments
Hello Alisa, I understand your concerns. If you believe the child support ruling was flawed due to undisclosed income, you can:
*. File for a modification of child support.
*. Provide evidence of undisclosed income.
*. Appeal the decision if denied access to bank records.
Remember to discuss these options with your attorney.
Now because I discovered a Hidden account the noncustodial parents attorney filed a motion for sanctions against me which is frivolous this attorney is attempting to intimidate me because I am representing myself
Hello Alisa, I understand your frustration. When facing a motion for sanctions, it's important to respond with a written opposition, outlining why it is unjustified. Have you considered seeking legal advice on this matter? It could be beneficial given the complexity of your situation.
This attorney also told the non-custodial parent to obtain an emergency order of protection against me out of King County with false allegations which did get denied and is now attempting to keep me from getting the bank records with a Hidden income from the Hidden account
Hello Alisa, that sounds stressful. It's essential to build a strong case against these allegations. Have you been able to document the attorney's unethical actions and false allegations for your defense?
First this attorney deliberately misrepresented in her draft a quote on what the judge stated five days later she told her client to go and get a restraining order against me out of Kane county during our hearing for the emergency order of protection in Kane county which was denied she filed a motion to quash my subpoenas for the hidden bank account if you connect the dots it clearly shows that this attorney is unethical
Hello Alisa, your situation sounds challenging. Have you considered reporting the attorney's unethical behavior to the Illinois Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission? They can investigate your claims.
She also stated to the judge that her client is financially struggling in touch she knows that which is odd to me as she’s an attorney how does she know his personal situation
Hello Alisa, it seems that you're questioning the attorney's knowledge of her client's financial situation. Have you considered asking the court to require the non-custodial parent to provide more transparent financial documentation?
Any other attorney that would state to the judge that her client has not had an income or accounts and then I discover a Hidden account with hidden income and this attorney is done attempting to stop me from getting a Hidden records is concerning she literally lied to the judge
Hello Alisa, if you believe the attorney lied to the court, you can:
*. Document and gather evidence of the attorney's actions.
*. Report the attorney to the Illinois Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission.
*. Consult with your own attorney about the best course of action.
Remember, this is a serious allegation that requires solid proof.
Any other attorney would have withdrawn and the situation
Hello Alisa, it seems you're suggesting that the attorney should have withdrawn from the case. Have you considered asking the court to disqualify the attorney based on their potentially unethical behavior?
No can I do that and how do I do it and how do I title it
Hello Alisa, to request that the court disqualify the attorney in Illinois, follow these steps:
*. Prepare a Motion to Disqualify Counsel: Include reasons based on their unethical behavior.
*. Serve the Motion: Deliver this to all involved parties.
*. File the Motion: Submit it to the court clerk.
Always consult with a legal professional before proceeding.
Do I list in there all the frivolous motions she filed with misleading information deliberately misrepresenting what the judge ordered telling her client to obtain an emergency order of protection against me and then attempting to quash my subpoenas she has already caused three college payments to be missed for my twin sons with her intentional delaying and behavior
Hello Alisa, when preparing a Motion to Disqualify Counsel, you can include:
- All frivolous motions the attorney filed
- Misleading information or misrepresentation of the judge's orders
- Attempts to quash your subpoenas
- Negative impacts on your children's college payments
Discuss these points with your attorney before submitting.
The judge repeatedly told this attorney to tell her client for his girlfriend not to interfere with the well-being of my children or into this case
Hello Alisa, it seems like you're facing interference from the non-custodial parent's girlfriend. Have you considered filing a motion to limit her involvement in the child support case? Discuss this with your attorney.
And then I’ll custodial parents mother told me that the attorney is in fact working with a girlfriend and figuring out which motions to file
Hello Alisa, it seems like you're suggesting that the non-custodial parent's attorney and girlfriend are collaborating on this case. Have you recorded these conversations or collected any evidence to support this claim?
The judge is aware that the girlfriend is interfering as she has been in personating noncustodial parent and accidentally told on her self in the emails
Hello Alisa, it sounds like you have evidence of impersonation. Have you spoken with your attorney about using these emails as evidence in your case?
I did use the emails I gave them to the judge that’s why the judge told them not to allow her to get involved
Hello Alisa, it seems you've already presented this evidence to the court. What further legal assistance can I provide you with today?
I want to know exactly how to pinpoint this attorneys unethical behavior and misleading tactics and intentional tactics to the judge
Hello Alisa, it's important to clearly document and present all instances of unethical behavior. Have you kept records of all correspondences and actions taken by this attorney that you believe to be unethical?
Can I file a A motion for sanctions both against a non-custodial parent and the attorney
Hello Alisa, you can file a Motion for Sanctions if you believe the non-custodial parent and attorney have violated court rules. However, this is a serious step. Have you discussed this with a legal professional?
Can I also even though I filed objections can I still file a motion to strike all four of their frivolous motions in one motion
Hello Alisa, yes, you can file a Motion to Strike against all of their frivolous motions in one motion. However, it's important to discuss this with a legal professional to ensure you're taking the right steps.
At the end of my motions can I also properly and politely state in there so the judge understands my point that I am prepared to file a complaint with the board
Hello Alisa, you can certainly express your intent to file a complaint with the board in your motion. However, it's crucial to ensure this is done respectfully. Have you consulted with a legal professional about the best way to phrase this?
Show me an example
Certainly, Alisa. Here's an example:
"In conclusion, I respectfully submit that the actions of the non-custodial parent and their attorney have demonstrated a pattern of misconduct that has adversely affected this case and my children. I am exploring all available remedies, including filing a complaint with the appropriate disciplinary board, to address these issues."
Remember to consult with a legal professional before submitting any legal documents.
No I meant I am prepared to file a complaint with the board against this judge
Hello Alisa, if you believe the judge has acted improperly, you have the right to file a complaint with the Illinois Judicial Inquiry Board. Do you need guidance on how to structure this complaint?
Well the judge believed the attorney in the noncustodial parent based on statements that they made which war. There’s no hit an income or accounts but in fact I discovered I had an account
Hello Alisa, it seems like you're facing a difficult situation. Have you considered presenting the evidence of the hidden account to the Illinois Judicial Inquiry Board as part of your complaint against the judge?
No I’m talking about after I file my motion to strike the opposing parties motions at the end of my motion I want to state that this court has repeatedly ruled in the opposing parties favor based on false statements as I have been presenting overwhelming documented evidence my children and their educational are not being prioritize here it’s a child support case the judge is supposed to be making rulings in the children’s favor not noncustodial parents favor
Hello Alisa, you can certainly express your concerns in your motion. Here's an example:
"In conclusion, I am deeply concerned that this court has repeatedly ruled in favor of the noncustodial parent based on false statements, despite my presentation of substantial documented evidence. As a child support case, the best interests of my children should be the priority. I respectfully urge the court to reconsider this pattern, as I am prepared to escalate this matter to the Illinois Judicial Inquiry Board if necessary. As always, I advise consulting with a legal professional before submitting legal documents."
How do I properly title my motion if I want to strike the respondents motion to quash subpoenas motion for sanctions and petition for rule to show cause
Hello Alisa, your motion could be titled as follows: "Plaintiff's Motion to Strike Respondent's Motion to Quash Subpoenas, Motion for Sanctions, and Petition for Rule to Show Cause". Always consult with a legal professional to ensure accuracy.
How do I politely informally tell does judge in my motion that this is a child support court where the children are to be prioritize all rulings and decisions should be made in the best interest of the children and their well-being and their educational expenses and I have not seen that yet in this case
Hello Alisa, you could state this in your motion as follows: "I respectfully remind the court that the focus of these proceedings should be the best interests of the children involved. Despite the overwhelming evidence presented, it appears that the well-being and educational needs of my children have not been the priority in the court's rulings. I urge the court to refocus on this paramount concern in all future decisions". Always consult with a legal professional before submitting any legal documents.
Incorporate into that on June *, * the noncustodial parent and his attorney falsely stated by mouth that there’s no hidden income there’s no hidden accounts turns out that there is a Hidden account with a concealed hidden income but yet the court made a decision based on their false statements and told me my overwhelming documented evidence was not enough well now there’s a discovered hidden account that the opposing party is attempting to keep from me and the court
Hello Alisa, it seems like you want to inform the court about the hidden account. Have you considered filing a motion to reconsider the child support order, citing the discovery of this new evidence, as well as your intent to report the false statements made by the non-custodial parent and his attorney?
I’ve already filed a modification
Hello Alisa, since you've already filed a modification, it's important to inform the court about the new evidence regarding the hidden account. Have you included this information in your modification request or provided this evidence to the court separately?
I already did that but I still want to state in my motion to strike the opposing parties frivolous motions that this is a child support court the whole purpose of child support court is to make all decisions and rulings in the best interest of the children’s welfare and educational expenses despite my boys being 18 years old now this court has been taking into consideration and making decisions and rulings based on false statements by the opposing party this court has actually helped the opposing party inflict further hardship on my children
Hello Alisa, you can certainly express your concerns in your motion. Here's an example: "I respectfully submit that despite the nature of this being a child support court, the best interest of my children seems to be overlooked. Decisions and rulings have been made based on the opposing party's false statements, causing undue hardship to my children. I request the court to prioritize the welfare and educational expenses of my children in all future decisions." Always consult with a legal professional before submitting any legal documents.
At the end of that statement I also want to express that I am prepared to file a complaint with the board as none of the rulings or decisions are based in the best interest of my children the opposing party has gotten away with hiding income in a hidden bank account not submitting all applications to the parent plus loans not being ordered to cover any other expenses for college got away with paying less than what he should have been paying for child support got away not having to be paying retro active Child support
Hello Alisa, it seems you want to indicate your readiness to file a complaint with the board. Here's a suggested way to phrase it: "In conclusion, given the gravity of the situation, I am prepared to file a complaint with the Illinois Judicial Inquiry Board. The numerous rulings that seem to neglect the best interest of my children, coupled with the opposing party's actions – hiding income, failing to submit necessary loan applications, and skirting their financial obligations – have left me with no other choice." Always consult with a legal professional before submitting any legal documents.
It’s also clear and obvious that despite the opposing party lying and misleading the court and intentionally delaying proceedings deliberately misrepresenting the judges orders they have gotten away with it because the non-custodial parent is represented by an attorney and I am representing myself it says the judge is believing the opposing party just because he has an attorney who has been lying and discord literally helped the posing party inflict further hardship all three children and is helping them deprive the children of A college education
Hello Alisa, it seems you're facing a challenging situation. Have you considered seeking legal representation to better protect your interests and those of your children in this case?
I want to know how to state all of that
Hello Alisa, you could express your concerns in your motion as follows: "Unfortunately, it appears that the court has favored the opposing party due to their legal representation, despite their pattern of dishonesty, deliberate delays, and misrepresentation of court orders. This approach has inflicted hardship on my children, hindering their access to a college education. I urge the court to prioritize the welfare and future of my children over the misleading assertions of the opposing party. I am prepared, if necessary, to escalate these concerns to the Illinois Judicial Inquiry Board." Always consult with a legal professional before submitting any legal documents.
What should I state in my motion to strike respondents motions to quash subpoenas
Hello Alisa, to strike the respondent's motions to quash your subpoenas in your motion, you should:
*. Identify the motions you wish to strike.
*. Explain why these motions should be struck, citing the relevant laws or court rules.
*. Include evidence of the hidden bank account and other misconduct.
*. Request the court to grant your motion and deny the respondent's motions.
Always consult with a legal professional before submitting any legal documents.
What are the Riverland statute of laws or rules and subpoenas stand by the city clerk in civil cases such as child support cases
Hello Alisa, as I understand, you want to know about the rules and laws in Riverland regarding subpoenas in civil cases like child support. Could you please clarify the location? Riverland is a common name and could refer to multiple places. Your precise location will help in providing accurate information.
What are the Revelyn statute laws or rules for the Illinois subpoena in a civil case
Hello Alisa, here are the general rules for subpoenas in Illinois civil cases:
*. A subpoena can be issued by the clerk of the court or an attorney authorized to practice in Illinois.
*. The subpoena must be served to the person directly or left at their usual place of residence.
*. The subpoena must provide a reasonable time for compliance.
*. A person can object or motion to quash the subpoena if it is unreasonable or oppressive.
Always consult a legal professional for advice tailored to your situation.
But if the pre-trial is continued for my motion for reconsideration and on November *, * the decision made and sent by the judge for the child support and now there’s a Hidden account discovered and would hit an income
Hello Alisa, it seems you've discovered hidden income after a child support decision was made. Have you informed the court about this new evidence and requested a reconsideration of the child support order based on this new information?
Yes but I want to know what should I cite what is the Revelyn statute law or rule as the opposing party is attempting to quash my subpoenas falsely stating that the child support was set already and I submitted a subpoena when the case is continuing for my motion to reconsider
Hello Alisa, in Illinois, you may cite the Illinois Supreme Court Rules * and * regarding subpoenas and discovery. Rule * allows you to subpoena any person to testify, while Rule * discusses discovery of documents. Clarify that your case isn't concluded and the discovery of new evidence justifies the subpoena. Consult a legal professional for precise advice.