Custody And Visitation Rights


Having physical and legal custody doesnt mean 100% legal custody. Non-custodial parents with informational rights can access child records. Both parents consent is generally needed for a childs passport. If the father doesnt use visitation rights, he may need a new court order to resume. Consult a legal professional for specific advice.

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Hello ****, having physical and legal custody doesn't necessarily mean you have *% legal custody. Even if the non-custodial parent only has informational rights, they may still have some legal rights. Could you please tell me your location so I can provide more specific information?
If I have some physical and legal custody. And the non custodial parent only has informational rights does that mean I have *% legal custody
Hello ****, having physical and legal custody doesn't necessarily mean you have *% legal custody. The non-custodial parent having informational rights means they have the right to access information about the child. However, the specifics can vary based on your location. Could you please provide that?
Hello ****, in Nevada:
- Having both physical and legal custody doesn't mean *% legal custody.
- Non-custodial parent’s informational rights allow access to child's records.
- They may have some visitation rights, unless court restricts due to safety reasons.
Do you need information on how to modify custody arrangement?
Can I obtain a passport for my daughter without him?
Hello ****, in Nevada:
- To apply for a child's passport, both parents' consent is generally needed.
- If one parent cannot give consent, you must provide evidence they agree or are not available.
- Court orders granting sole legal custody can be used in such situations.
Please consult with a legal professional for advice specific to your situation.
Hello ****, your custody order might suffice if it grants you sole legal custody. However, you may need further documentation if the order doesn't explicitly state this. It's best to consult a lawyer for precise advice.
If my order says the father has visitation at a court center. But the visitation center says if he doesn’t sign up or practice visitation in 12 months he will need a court order to continue visitation does that mean after 12 months he no longer has visitation if he doesn’t go back to court
Hello ****, in Nevada:
- If the father doesn't utilize visitation, it doesn't automatically terminate his rights.
- However, he may need a new court order to resume visitation at the center.
- Legal rights can only be modified by a court order.
Please consult with a legal professional for specific advice.