Custody Case Closing Statement


The user seeks assistance in framing a closing statement for a final custody court case. Key points include summarizing evidence, highlighting the ability to provide a stable environment, addressing concerns about the opposing partys behavior, and proposing supervised visits to rebuild trust. The user is advised to consult a lawyer for personalized advice.

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i have an upcoming final custody court case and need help framing and wording my closing statement in the best way i can
Absolutely, I can provide some general advice on crafting your closing statement:
*. Start by summarizing the evidence presented and how it supports your case.
*. Highlight your ability to provide a stable, positive environment for the child.
*. Address any concerns raised by the opposing party honestly and proactively.
*. End on a respectful note, expressing your willingness to work towards the child's best interests.
Remember, this is a sensitive matter, so a lawyer's advice would be beneficial.
if i tell you what i want to say are you able to help me reword and make it have a better wording and legal structure?
Sure, I'd be happy to help. Could you please share what you want to say? We can then work on structuring and wording it in a legally sound and effective manner.
I would like to stay. " Your honor I came here to make a change to hopefully give me son a better opportunity at life. when i was zac grab adrian and him have bruises that correspond to the spot zac grabbed and lost my trust of good faith thats needed to make our co parenting plan successful. I ask that we he be given supervised visits in hopes to rebuild that trust. however my biggest fear for my sons life is he gets anymore than he has. this mans violence is that not of sense but of unpredictability with close relations. first myself, the his father and now my son, how mych more dangersous should things have to get?
Sure, I can help rephrase your statement. Here's a suggestion: "Your Honor, I approach this court with a heartfelt plea for my son's welfare. The bruises on Adrian align with Zac's aggressive behavior, disrupting our co-parenting plan's trust. I propose supervised visits for Zac to rebuild this trust. My primary concern is Zac's unpredictable, escalating violence towards family. Our son's safety is paramount; how much more dangerous must things become?"