Child Custody Agreement Dispute


In Virginia, child custody agreements can be modified if there are significant changes in circumstances. The courts prioritize the best interests of the child and consider various factors before making a final decision. Consulting a local family law attorney is recommended for specific advice.

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In out separation agreement my husband agreed to me having sole legal custody of the children and he now he wants the judge to do */*
Hello Crystal, I understand your situation. Could you please tell me where your case is being processed? Laws on child custody vary by location.
Hello Crystal, in Virginia:
- The courts prioritize the best interests of the child.
- A signed agreement can be modified if circumstances have changed significantly.
- The judge will consider various factors before making the final decision.
I recommend consulting a local family law attorney for specific advice.
Hello Crystal, I'm glad I could provide some information. If you need further assistance or have more questions, feel free to ask.