Custody Case Abuse Allegations


Allegations of abuse, including physical, emotional, and medical neglect, can significantly impact custody decisions in California. Courts consider the childs safety, history of abuse, and the childs preference if they are of sufficient age. Its crucial to report all instances of abuse to Child Protective Services (CPS) and consult a family law attorney. Immediate intervention may be necessary if the child is in danger. Documenting evidence, such as photos of unsanitary living conditions, can support the case. Temporary custody or ex parte orders can be filed for immediate protection. Medical neglect, such as not addressing a childs dental issues, is also taken seriously. Always prioritize the childs safety and seek legal advice for the best course of action.

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Past physical abuse,past domestic violence,emotional abuse,financial abuse, emotional neglect,educational neglect,medical neglect,unsanitary living conditions and inappropriate living arrangements, animal abuse,misuse of social security funds
I'm sorry to hear about your situation. In California:
- The court will consider abuse allegations seriously.
- Misuse of social security funds could be viewed as financial abuse.
- A child can express their preference in court at *.
Your grandma should contact a family law attorney immediately.
One girl she talked to from cps said that the only way my grandma can immediately remove me is if my dad hits me and i call the cops
I'm sorry, that sounds really tough. While physical abuse is taken seriously, California law also considers other forms of abuse and neglect. It's vital to report all instances to CPS and consult a family law attorney. They can guide you on immediate steps for your safety.
Ok thank you i already know to calk the police if my dad hits me or i feel unsafe
I'm glad to hear you're aware of that step. Please remember, your safety is paramount. Continue to communicate with CPS and a family law attorney to ensure you're protected.
So my tooth has been hurting i haven't been to the dentist in years because my dad hasn't taken me if my tooth rots can i call the police for medical neglect?
In California, medical neglect is a form of child abuse and should be reported. If you're in pain, seek immediate medical help. Report this to Child Protective Services and your attorney to add to your case.
What can i call the police on my dad for?
In California, you can call the police if you're a victim of:
- Physical abuse
- Sexual abuse
- Threats of harm
- Immediate medical neglect
Remember, call * if you're in immediate danger. For non-emergencies, contact your local police department.
Does the physical abuse have to be frequently?
In California, any instance of physical abuse is serious and should be reported, regardless of frequency. A single incident is enough for action. Always call * if you're in immediate danger.
Oh ok so if my dad hits me and leaves bruises on me i can call *?
Yes, if you're physically harmed, call * immediately. Document your injuries, if possible. In California, physical abuse, even a single incident, is taken seriously and can lead to immediate intervention.
What is immediate intervention?
Immediate intervention refers to urgent actions taken by authorities to ensure your safety. In cases of child abuse, it may involve removing you from the abusive environment or taking legal steps against the abuser. Always consult with Child Protective Services or a legal representative for accurate guidance.
Oh ok thank you
You're welcome! If you have any more questions or concerns, feel free to ask. Remember, your safety is the priority. Don't hesitate to reach out to authorities if you're in danger.
There is a lot of junk outside this house such as old toilets old refrigerators and washing machines,decaying mattresses and an abandoned moblie home that has broken windows and a huge hole in the door and a car in the front yard that doesn't even run anymore and is falling apart and an old truck that doesn't run and is falling apart
I'm sorry to hear about your living conditions. In California, unsanitary conditions can be reported as a form of neglect. Have you reported this to Child Protective Services or your attorney?
No i haven't yet but i took pictures
That's a good step. You can provide these pictures as evidence of your living conditions to CPS and your attorney. It may also be helpful to document any other instances of neglect or abuse. Are you safe right now?
Yes i am safe right now
I'm relieved to hear you are safe right now. Continue documenting incidents of neglect and unsanitary conditions. Remember to report these to CPS and your attorney, as they can be critical in your case. Stay safe and reach out if you need further advice.
Is one incident of domestic violence that happened 10 years ago still usefull in a custody case?
In California, a court will consider past incidents of domestic violence when determining custody. Even if the incident happened 10 years ago, it could still be relevant. Your grandma should discuss this with her attorney.
Can i ask the police if i can stay with my grandma for a few nights so i feel safe?
Yes, you can ask the police to help ensure your safety. In California, if you're in immediate danger, they can facilitate a temporary stay elsewhere, like your grandma's. However, this does not guarantee custody changes. You should also inform CPS and your attorney about this.
Should my grandma file for temporary custody during the investigation?
Yes, your grandma can file for temporary custody in California if she believes it's in your best interest. This could provide you with a safe environment during the investigation. She should consult with a family law attorney for the process.
Can she file for an ex parte or just regular temporary custody?
In California, your grandma can file for both:
- An ex parte order for immediate child custody if there's a risk of immediate harm.
- Regular temporary custody during the investigation.
Consult a family law attorney for the best course of action.
How to prove medical neglect?
To prove medical neglect in California, you may need to:
- Show that a parent refused or failed to provide necessary medical treatment.
- Provide evidence of the child's medical condition.
- Demonstrate the harm or potential harm to the child due to the lack of treatment.
Consult your attorney for advice.
I've been having a tooth ache and my grandma texted my dad telling him i need to go to the dentist and he texted her saying " i told her to use salt water for her tooth but she never listens to me" and then he told me to do that instead of making me an appointment my grandma offered to take me but she wanted him to make the appointment for me because he is my dad and thats when he said just use mouthwash or salt water
I'm sorry about your toothache. If you're in pain, it's important to get medical attention. Your situation could potentially be considered as medical neglect. Have you informed Child Protective Services or your attorney about this?
No i haven't my grandma said if it gets to the point where my tooth rots and he still doesn't take me to calk the police department and report medical neglect but she said she'll try to make me a dentist appointment before that if she can
I'm sorry to hear about your toothache. It's good that your grandma is going to try and get you an appointment. Remember, in California, neglecting a child's medical needs can be considered abuse. Try to keep records of these incidents and share them with your attorney and CPS.