Legal Implications Of Custody


In Minnesota, giving a child a phone for safety is generally legal, but involving them in adult conflicts can have legal consequences. If an ex-partners drinking affects child safety, custody arrangements may need revisiting. Consult a local family law attorney for specific advice.

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I understand your situation. However, laws can vary by location. Could you please provide your state or country to offer more accurate information?
I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Here are some general points to consider:
*. Anonymity in police reports is not always guaranteed.
*. Depending on the context, it may not be illegal to have your child carry a phone for safety.
*. However, involving children in conflicts can have legal implications.
For specific advice, consult a local family law attorney.
My daughtrt is the one who told me he has been drinking
It's important to maintain the welfare of your child. In Minnesota:
*. It's generally not illegal to give your child a phone for safety.
*. However, involving them in adult issues can have legal consequences.
*. If his drinking impacts your child's safety, you may need to revisit custody arrangements.
Consider consulting a local family law attorney.