Temporary Custody Legal Guidance


In Mississippi, if a newborn tests positive for drugs at birth, the hospital must report this to the Department of Child Protective Services (CPS). CPS may initiate an investigation and could potentially take temporary custody of the child. The court will decide based on the childs best interest. You can file a petition for temporary custody in your local Chancery Court, and evidence of the childs best interest is crucial. Consult a local attorney for specific advice.

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Temporary custody
Hello **** Madison. To assist you better, could you please specify your location and give some more details about the temporary custody situation.
Hello **** Madison. Based on your zip *, you're in Mississippi. In general terms:
- You can file a petition for temporary custody in your local Chancery Court
- Evidence of the child's best interest is crucial
Could you please provide more details about your situation?
Failed drug test at birth
Hello ****, in Mississippi:
- If a newborn tests positive for drugs at birth, the hospital must report this to the Department of Child Protective Services (CPS).
- CPS may initiate an investigation and could potentially take temporary custody of the child.
- The court will decide based on the child's best interest.
Please consult with a local attorney for specific advice.