Terms For Clothing Store


Including a governing law clause in your terms and conditions ensures that any legal disputes will be resolved according to Kentucky laws. Use both your Etsy store name and legal name for clarity. Customize the template to fit your specific needs and consult a local attorney for detailed legal advice.

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what if i dont have a legal store name and its my store name on etsy can i still put my store name or should i put my actual name
It's important to clearly identify your business in your terms and conditions, even if it's an Etsy store. Here are your options:
- **Use Your Etsy Store Name:** If you consistently use the store name in all business dealings, you can use it in your terms and conditions.
- **Use Your Legal Name:** If your store name isn't registered, you may also include your legal name for clarity.
Is your Etsy store name registered as a business in Kentucky?
no its not
Thank you for sharing the details. Since your Etsy store name is not registered as a business in Kentucky, you should include both your Etsy store name and your legal name in the terms and conditions for clarity and legal compliance. This ensures transparency and builds trust with your customers.
Here are the revised sections for clarity:
Terms and Conditions for Sale
***. Introduction**
- These Terms and Conditions govern the sale of products by [Your Etsy Store Name] (owned by [Your Legal Name]) to the customer.
- By making a purchase, the customer agrees to these Terms and Conditions.
Would you like more assistance with any specific section?
how to i get the terms and conditons to be governed by the laws of ky
To ensure your terms and conditions are governed by the laws of Kentucky, you need to include a specific clause stating this. Here’s a suggested wording:
***. Governing Law**
- These Terms and Conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of Kentucky.
Would you like assistance with any other sections or details?
but how do i make sure that they are actually governed? do i have to go somewhere to do that
To ensure that your terms and conditions are governed by the laws of Kentucky, you don't need to go anywhere. Simply including the governing law clause in your terms and conditions is sufficient. Here’s the clause again for clarity:
***. Governing Law**
- These Terms and Conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of Kentucky.
Would you like assistance with any other sections or details?
why would i need to add that
Including a governing law clause ensures legal clarity in case of disputes. It specifies that any legal issues will be resolved according to Kentucky laws, providing a predictable legal framework. Would you like further details or assistance with another section?
can you make one for a sale? im hosting a *% off discount cus i just opened my store
Certainly! Below is a general template for terms and conditions for a *% off sale for your clothing store. Make sure to customize it according to your specific needs and consult a local attorney for detailed legal advice.
Terms and Conditions for *% Off Sale
***. Introduction**
- These Terms and Conditions govern the *% off sale offered by [Your Etsy Store Name] (owned by [Your Legal Name]).
- By making a purchase during this sale, the customer agrees to these Terms and Conditions.
***. Discount Details**
- The *% discount is valid from [Start Date] to [End Date].
- The discount is automatically applied at checkout and cannot be combined with other offers.
***. Eligibility**
- This offer is only valid for orders placed within the promotional period.
- The discount applies to all items unless otherwise specified.
***. Payment**
- All prices are listed in USD and are subject to change without notice.
- Payment must be made in full before the dispatch of the products.
***. Shipping and Delivery**
- Shipping costs and delivery times vary based on the location and shipping method selected.
- [Your Etsy Store Name] is not responsible for delays caused by third-party carriers.
***. Returns and