Opening C Corporation Bank Account


To open a C-corporation bank account in South Carolina or Kentucky, you need the corporations EIN, incorporation documents, a corporate resolution, and personal ID of signers. Corporate accounts are generally separate from personal accounts, but exceptions like fraud may apply. Consult a local attorney for specific advice.

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What do you need to open a banking account in a C-corporation name?
To open a bank account for a C-corporation in South Carolina, you typically need:
- Corporation's EIN (Employer Identification Number)
- Certificate of Incorporation
- Corporate Resolution giving authority to those opening the account
- Personal identification of the account signers
Laws may vary, so check with your bank for specific requirements.
In Kentucky, what do you need to open a bank account under a C-corporation name?
To open a C-corporation bank account in Kentucky, you typically need:
- Corporation's EIN (Employer Identification Number)
- Articles of Incorporation
- Corporate Resolution identifying authorized signatories
- Personal ID of the account signers
Please confirm with your bank as requirements may vary.
Is the banking account of a C-corporation protected from judgments of account signers?
In general, a C-corporation's bank account is separate from personal accounts of its signers. However, there could be exceptions such as cases of fraud or 'piercing the corporate veil'. It's important to consult with a local attorney for specific legal advice.
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