Llc Naming Rules Florida


In Florida, the name of an LLC must be distinguishable from other LLCs and include Limited Liability Company or LLC. Words that could confuse the LLC with a government agency are prohibited. Restricted words like Bank or Attorney may require additional paperwork and a licensed individual. You can use Corp in the name, but it should not mislead the public into thinking the LLC is a corporation. Always consult a business attorney for specific advice.

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Florida usa
In Florida:
- The name must be distinguishable from other LLCs.
- It must contain the words "Limited Liability Company" or "LLC".
- Certain words are restricted or prohibited.
You can check name availability at Florida Division of Corporations website.
Can you be more specific?
Sure, here's more detail for Florida LLC:
- Can't use words that could confuse your LLC with a government agency (FBI, Treasury, State Department, etc.)
- Restricted words (Bank, Attorney, University) may require additional paperwork and a licensed individual, such as a doctor or lawyer, to be part of your LLC.
- You need to appoint a registered agent for your LLC.
So can i end my company with LLC and have the corp word before LLC as part of the name of my company?
In Florida, you can use "Corp" in your LLC's name. However, it's important to avoid misleading the public into thinking your LLC is a corporation. It's always a good idea to consult with a business attorney for specific advice.